Monday, June 6, 2011

There is no crying in bootcamp!!!

As I go to different group workouts associated with the bootcamp, I'm starting to recognize a few faces. This morning, though, there was one girl who I didn't recognize, and I had to laugh when Tina told this girl not to cry, because she always looked like she was about to. I took one look at her and, yup, indeed, this girl looked like she was about to cry. Sure, what we do in boot camp is hard, you hurt, you breathe heavy, you sweat, you groan, but dude... you don't CRY.

Remember Rule #1 of the Biggest Loser? Have you ever seen Jillian eat someone up and spit them out for crying in the gym because it was "too hard"?

Throughout the workout, I heard this girl complain about how she "couldn't do" certain moves (to which Tina said, "oh yes you can"), how her arches hurt (mine did too, but they usually do when I get dehydrated... what a weird manifestation, right?), how she couldn't run (I can't either, but shut up and do it), etc. And I swear, SHE LOOKED LIKE SHE WAS ON THE VERGE OF TEARS THE WHOLE TIME.

I wonder about people. What makes you sign up for a program called Bootcamp, which you know is going to work you to the core, to help you achieve some goals that you yourself set, and then think it's going to be a walk in the park? I'm easily 10 years older than Ms. Cryer, my knees are killing me, my body aches, and yet, I go back for more.

Shut up and fight like a girl.

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