Monday, May 23, 2011

The first day of bootcamp!!!!

And I slept through my workout.

Yes, I am that awesome. Granted, today wasn't a normal morning. Mr. Kiki set the alarm clock for 5AM, as he had to drive two hours to a meeting this morning. So, I sent the alarm on my Iphone for 6:45. No problem, right? As always, I woke up when Mr. Kiki kissed me goodbye, and promptly fell back asleep. I had another hour to sleep, and my alarm was set.

That's when I had this weird dream about having to go to this work meeting, except, I was walking, I didn't know what time it was or what building it was in, and I kept calling and texting two of my work friends asking where it was, that I was going to be late, could they let the boss know...

And when I woke up, it was 7:15. The workout started at 7:30 and there was no way that I would be able to get dressed and over to the gym without being late. When I looked at my Iphone, I saw that I had set the alarm for 6:45PM, not AM. Ugh.

I decided that I'm going to head to the gym later, and put in 45 minutes on the elliptical and come home to do either the Biggest Loser Boot Camp video or (and I cringe as I suggest this) Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred. I may have missed my scheduled group workout, but that doesn't mean the day is a waste :)

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