Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Trouty Mouth

Oh froggy lips... Yes, I love Glee. This season hasn't been as great as the first one, but Santana's ode to her then boyfriend's lips are what was on my mind last night at boot camp... because our instructor was, I swear, part frog. I've never seen someone jump so high!

From what I understand, the Fit Camp program is being run by two trainers: a female trainer (Tina) and a male trainer (Nick). Needless to say, I was expecting Tina when I walked into class last night, and instead, Nick was leading class. And he was indeed a maniac. After a quick warm up (jogging around the room, walking lunges, etc) he lead us through a few cardio/calisthenic circuits. Burpees, mountain climbers, 180 degree jumps... yeah, about half way through this section, I thought I was going to throw up, Biggest Loser style. No joke. We did some arms/weights (stuff I actually enjoy), and then he made us line up on the side of the room. We did some side shuffles, jumping squats (did I mention he liked jumping?), and the dreaded spider crawl.

I did the best I could, even though I couldn't make it through all the circuits, I went as far as I could. Nick didn't do what Tina promised, which was give some modifications for people who couldn't do the moves (hello spider crawl), and I actually heard some of the regular boot campers say that they didn't like what he was doing, and that Tina ran the class a little differently. Tina will be leading Thursday's class, so hopefully it won't be so bad.

Somehow, I was able to walk to my car, walk up the stairs to my apartment, and collapse on my couch for an hour before I was able to get up and shower. My legs felt like Jello, and I felt a little sore this morning, but I know that that just means that it's working.

Now off to personal training. Hopefully, I'll be able to walk after this morning :)

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