Friday, May 20, 2011

Sizing Up

Monday afternoon, I had an appointment to meet my personal trainer who will be in charge of helping me out during my boot camp. Her name is Tina, and honestly, she couldn't be more than 22 years old. Sure, I go to the student rec center to work out, and of course, the rec is staffed by students who are athletic training majors, so this shouldn't be any surprise, but when she asked me to take off my shoes and socks to step on the scale/body fat machine, which was then followed by a "how old and how tall are you?" I was a little sheepish to admit that I was indeed 31 (it's been two months... is this the first time I've actually said that outloud?)

After having a "WHOA/Aha" moment on the body fat machine, she took me back to an office to fill out a few forms and to put me through a physical fitness test. It involved how many pushups I could do on my own (13, knees down... pathetic), how many situps I could do in 60 seconds (48, pretty good if I do say so myself), and how fast I could walk a mile (15:15, not too shabby, considering my short legs--- even Tina admitted that one!) Tina also took my measurements (ugh), and then I asked her some questions about the boot camp itself.

Boot campers have to commit to going to at least two group workouts a week (there are four scheduled per week) as well as having an hour long workout session with a trainer each week. I'm going to commit to making three of the four workouts, mainly because the Wednesday session is at 6:15AM... and there is no way that's happening. So, right now, I'm working out with the group on Monday mornings, and then Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and working with Tina on Wednesday. I am super nervous about the whole thing, which starts on Monday. Will I be able to make it through a workout? Are they going to want me to run? Will this all be worth it in the end?

Tina already told me that what I put into it is what I'm going to get out of it, so I just need to keep it all in perspective.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! Do your best; if that means taking the "level" down a notch to make it through a workout, do it. No one will care, and you'll feel better about it than you will if you leave.

    And I love that her name is Tina. It just screams, "I'm going to make your life hell but you will thank me for it despite your mocking as we go."
